Warrior Athlete Program

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Ryan Chancellor grimaced as he lifted the 135 pounds on the bar. Repetition after repetition, he performed the deadlifts. After 20 reps, he dropped the. Unf*ck yourself, end your world, kill your goats, adapt & overcome. In this article, we will cover the primary developments in the Ranger Athlete Warrior Program (RAW) over the past two years. The concept for the Ranger Regiment’s. Navy photo Balboa Warrior Athlete Program/Recreational Therapy Balboa Warrior Athlete Program (BWAP) is a therapeutic program designed to restore, remediate and.

Five years ago, Major Mark Ivezaj went searching for a better training program for the men under his command in Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, one of the most elite units in the U.S. He found that program and more under the guidance of world-class powerlifter Matt Wenning, who at the time was training at legendary Westside Barbell in Columbus, OH. Wenning transformed Ivezaj's Rangers into a stronger, more athletic group of soldiers while also reducing injuries by an astounding 64 percent. Universal Keygen Generator 2012 Free Download For Windows 7.

But why stop with the Rangers? Ivezaj is currently operations officer for the 4th Infantry Division, 4th Brigade Combat Team at Fort Carson, Colorado, a unit with a non-deployable injury rate of 18 percent. This number needs to go down, and fitness levels across the board need to be brought closer to those of the Alpha Company Rangers. 'Current Army fitness doctrine and facilities,' says Ivezaj, 'do not prepare soldiers sufficiently to conduct full-spectrum operations in general, and specifically in the mountains of Afghanistan.' Based on Wenning's success with Alpha Company, the Army contracted him to create a similar routine for 4-4 IBCT that's been dubbed the Mountain Athlete Warrior program. The idea is to find a better alternative to the Army's obsolete physical training regimen, and to create a formidable force of elite athlete soldiers to populate the United States military.

MAKING WAVES The MAW program combines multiple training styles to create a more well-rounded athlete. Think of it as a buffet line at a cafeteria. Some items you'll put on your tray. Others you'll leave for someone else.

'How we select from that cafeteria,' says Wenning, 'is not by choosing things we like, but by choosing things we need.' Effective soldiers need many things. The balance and endurance to climb up the side of a mountain on uneven terrain.

The overall speed and athleticism to sprint quickly during battle, duck and cover, then sprint again. The strength and power to drag an injured soldier 100 yards or more to safety. The MAW program addresses these areas in three-week cycles, with a different emphasis each week. WEEK ONE (Stability): Exercise difficulty increases through adding some form of instability to the mix, whether it's dangling from elastic bands, performing 1-legged movements to compromise balance, or both. WEEK TWO (Strength): The surfaces and resistances are no longer unstable, but the weights are as heavy as you can handle. Highlights of this phase include one-rep maxes in the, and three-rep maxes.

WEEK THREE (Conditioning): The exercises here aren't difficult because of the amount of weight being used, but because of the number of reps prescribed: dragging sleds non-stop for two minutes, and 50-rep sets of box squats, for example. The fourth week is an unloading period where volume and intensity decrease. 'It lets the body recover and 'soak in,' so to speak, all the new stimuli we've applied,' says Wenning. After this, the program starts over again at Week One, using the same philosophies but different exercises. Lost Highway Mkv Rapidshare Search.