Bible Quiz With Answers For Youth

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The bible is the holy book for Christians, it is the best selling book till date, it is also the most ancient book still in existence. Every christian is expected to have a copy of this book and also have a good knowledge of the content. Many people find it difficult to familiarize themselves with the content of the bible while many also have each particular chapters and verses at their finger tips. The bible contains different stories and events that happened in the past, lets just say that it is a history book, and it is very important to be aware of our history to be able to control the future. Also, kids are faced with bible quiz most times, especially in school and these bible trivia questions and answers will be of immense help to them at such point.

Bible Quiz With Answers For YouthDevotions & Themes

Mar 31, 2001 Our huge collection of Bible for Kids trivia quizzes. Alien Trilogy Game Download Free. Over 940 trivia questions to answer! Play our quiz games to test. Bible Quiz is a discipleship ministry geared for teens in sixth through 12th grade. Each year a different book or books of the New Testament are memorized by students.

Lets go ahead and make a list of the bible trivia questions and answers. We hope you’ll find them interesting. 200 Bible Trivia Questions And Answers • When Samson killed 1000 Philistines at Lehi what weapon did he use? —– Ans: The jawbone of an ass (Judges 15:15) • How old was David when he was anointed King of Israel? —– Ans: 30 years (2 Samuel 5:4) • Which disciples witnessed Jesus’ Transfiguration? —– Ans: Peter, James & John (Matthew 17:1-2, Mark 9:2, Luke 9:28-29) • In Damascus, whose sight was restored by Ananias?

—– Ans: Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9:17-18) • To whom did Jesus say, “Get thee behind me, Satan”? —– Ans: Peter (Matthew 16:23 & Mark 8:33) and Satan (Luke 4:8) • What are the final words of Jesus recorded in the New Testament? —– Ans: “Surely I come quickly” (Revelations 22:20) • Prior to his conversion, how did Saul refer to the followers of Jesus Christ? —–Ans: The Way (Acts 9:2) • How many rivers were formed from the river that went out of Eden? —– Ans: Four (Genesis 2:10) [Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates] • What is the name of the place where Jacob slept and dreamed of Jacob’s Ladder?

—– Ans: Bethel (Genesis 28:19) • Who told Naaman to wash in the river Jordan seven times in order to cure his leprosy? —– Ans: Elisha (2 Kings 5:10) • Who announced to Zachariah that his wife would bear a child to be named John (the Baptist)? —– Ans: The Angel Gabrieal (Luke 1:13) • Who said, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”? —– Ans: Joshua (Joshua 24:15) • In what village was Christ when he turned the water into wine?

—– Ans: Cana of Galilee (John 2:11) • How is the name “Emmanuel” interpreted? —– Ans: God is with us (Matthew 2:23) • God tested Abraham by telling him to offer his only son as a burnt offering. Who was that son? —– Ans: Isaac (Genesis 22:2) • How much was Judas paid to betray Jesus? —– Ans: 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:15) • Who personally baptized more people, Jesus or John the Baptist?

—– Ans: John the Baptist (John 4:2) • Who witnessed Elijah being taken up to Heaven? —– Ans: Elisha (2 Kings 2: 11-12) • Who hid Joshua’s spies from Jericho’s king? —– Ans: Rahab (Joshua 2:1-4) • Moses died at age 120 and was buried in a valley of Moab. Who buried him?

—– Ans: The Lord (Deuteronomy 34: 6) • How many years were the Israelites in bondage in Egypt? —– Ans: 430 (Exodous 12:40-41) • When they heard of the adversity that had befallen Job, how many of his friends came to comfort him? Drum Roll Wav File Free. Download Torrent Poison Ivy 2 Lily Video there. Three (Job 2:11) • Who is the only woman mentioned in Paul’s letter to Philemon? —– Ans: Apphia, a Christian of Colossae (Philemon 2) • What part of the day did Christ embark on the boat from which He calmed the waters? —– Ans: Evening (Mark 4:35) • The Bible says Jesus had four brothers. What were their names?